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The Efficiency Movement was a major movement in the United States, Britain and other industrial nations in the early 20th century that sought to identify and eliminate waste in all areas of the economy and society, and to develop and implement best practices.
Organizational efficiency is the organization's ability to implement its plans using the smallest possible expenditure of resources. It is an important factor in the firm's organizational effectiveness, this being the ease and degree of success with which the organization is able to accomplish its aims.
Achieving the outcomes that someone wishes to produce. Producing the desired results with the minimum expenditure of energy, time, money, personnel, or material. Working on the right things (effectiveness) and doing them the best way (efficiency).
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Хууль Зүйн Үндэсний Хүрээлэнгээс эрхэлэн гаргадаг Хууль Дээдлэх Ёс сэтгүүлийн 2018 оны Цуврал 2(67) дугаар дээр хэвлэгдсэн Монгол Улсын Их Сургуулийн Хуулийн Сургуулийн судлаач Б.Өлзийбаярын Монгол Улсын Үндсэн Хуулийн шинэчлэлийн эрх зүйн судалгааны бүтээлтэй бүрэн эхээр нь танилцана уу

Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things. - PETER DRUCKER